On Orders Over $225
On Orders Over $500

Private Lessons, 1 hr



Ready to up your glass game? We are ready to help! Just call 360-771-5617, come into the shop, or email to reserve your time!

If you are looking for independent studio time, more info on that can be found here.

All Private Lessons are Pre-Paid and Non-Refundable. Please see our cancellation policy for more information.

These are ONE HOUR, INSTRUCTOR-LED sessions designed for someone with basic skills in the copper foil stained glass technique, fusing with COE 90 or doing basic mosaic work who desire additional, more advanced instruction on a project of your choosing. Feel free to sign up for more than one hour at a time!

UNLIKE REGULAR CLASSES, FOR PRIVATE LESSONS YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MATERIALS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE YOUR PROJECT. Our studio is equipped with hand tools, soldering irons and grinders, but you will need to provide everything else.

Our instructors can help you select a project appropriate to your current skill level, assist with advancing your cutting skills, making simple design adaptations, using various glass styles, methods for adding strength when needed, lead or zinc came framing and considerations when hanging a larger panel (or methods for installing it in an existing window frame), advanced firing schedules, altering existing firing schedules, and other intermediate to advanced fusing considerations. A great option for someone who just needs a little skills brush-up. 

We do not store projects or supplies for our students, except those actively taking the introductory courses.

These sessions are open to adults and children ages 16 and up (a registered adult MUST accompany any minors).

Please review our enrollment and cancellation policy, dress code and other class-related details HERE prior to attending your class. If you have any questions regarding these policies or other class-related topics, please feel free to contact us at (360) 771-5617.

While your safety is our top concern, each student will be required to sign a standard liability waiver prior to the beginning of each class. These will be available at Melt or you can print one HERE and bring it with you to class. We also have a handout regarding Safety in the Studio that we would like you to review prior to your class. These documents can all be accessed by clicking on the "Contact & Policies" tab at the top of this page, if you are unable to download them.